DNS server management

The Domain Name System i.e. DNS is preferable as the phone book of the whole internet. It can be illustrated in the real-world example as when any end-user enters any website name like the example.com in web browsers. Here, the domain name system plays a vital role in finding the correct internet protocol address for those websites. The main function of DNS is to translate the whole domain name into a numerical IP address. These IP addresses are the unique id of the server where the website resides. Here in this article, we will be covering everything about DNS server management.

DNS server refers to the device or program dedicated to providing services to DNS clients. Generally, DNS servers are using modern desktop and operating systems and they enable web browsers to interact with DNS servers easily. DNS server management is a service managing and configuring every DNS connected devices, services, and resources. The configuring of the DNS server record should be proper to let servers communicate easily throughout the internet.

The need for DNS Server Management

We know that the incorrect DNS record will impact your overall website or your application. If DNS records are not configured properly then your website or any digital assets may be exposed to various threats and vulnerabilities. The interruption might occur in the whole system of client-server. These consequences can even lead to worse scenarios like breaking out the whole system of the website. There are several main reasons why you need DNS server management and they are:

  • Reduce human error while editing DNS data
  • Make DNS records editing more easy and fast
  • Properly validate every DNS data
  • Automate the distribution of DNS data equally

If you want to create a subdomain using cPanel then follow this article: How to create Subdomain?

After successfully setting up your DNS server, you can manage the DNS server from the DNS management console.  From this console, you can perform some of the common admin tasks, such as adding additional Domain zones, changing DNS zone settings, adding any new multiple records to an existing DNS zone. This DNS management console provides you a clear beginner-friendly graphical user interface for more ease of use.

How to add new records or host using DNS Management Console?

There are several steps for adding  new records using DNS management console and they are:

First of all, open the DNS management console and then right-click on the zone section. Then, choose the Add New Host command which will pop up the New Host dialog box. We have to specify various information within these dialog boxes. That information is:

  • Name: Provide the proper name for the new host
  • IP Address: Internet Protocol Address of the host
  • Create PTR Record: If you uncheck this box then it will automatically create a PTR record in the reverse lookup DNS zone. If you check in then reverse lookups are allowed to the host
  • Allow Any Authenticated User to Update: If you check in this option then other users are can update the record or other records with the same hostname. It is always recommended that you should leave this option unchecked.

The other records such as MX or Cname records can also be add using the same method as above.

How to change the Nameserver?

We can change the name of the server in the Domain name system. It allows website developers to move their websites without changing domain names. There are several tools that help them to change the name server easily and fastly. If your domain name is registered with a hosting provider and your website is hosted elsewhere, then you can simply change the name of DNS servers. Here, we will discuss changing the name of the server using cPanel.

  • First, login into your account
  • Then, click on Manage
  • Select DNS and Nameserver from the left panel
  • Select your preferable domain name and click on 3 dots on the right side of the screen
  •  Edit your nameserver by clicking the edit button
  • Enter your required name of the server in the input field.
  •  Submit your overall changes.
  • Finally, these changes will get propagated.

Domain Name System server can be used in conjunction with other services to prevent different types of misleading SPAM and email spoofing. DNS server management tools set up and manage every DNS record to a professional standard.

We hope this article helped you learn different things about the Domain Name System and how it’s server management. Do comment down your views in the comment box below.

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