Biggest Guest Posting Mistakes Newbies Make

The Biggest Guest Posting Mistakes Newbies Make are discuss here. Guest posting has become the de facto way to build links. It’s hard to find an Internet marketing article these days that doesn’t mention it.

But many people new to the search engine optimization arena are making a big mistake. The mistake they are making is that they are not paying attention to the number of unique root domains their links come from.

What Does Linking Root Domains Mean?

Linking root domains refers to the number of separate websites that link to you.

Let’s say the following URLs link to your website:


While there are two links above, they come from only one unique domain ( As a result, they count as only one linking root domain.

How Much Emphasis Does Google Put On LRDs?

Moz’s correlation tests show that the number of linking root domains a site has better predict a site’s rankings than the total number of links it has in general.

Google puts so much emphasis on linking root domains as a factor that it actively tries to find people that are manipulating their algorithm by purchasing multiple domains and linking them together themselves. But this factor is ignored by Newbies while making Guest Posting.

Without knowing LDRs there are higher possibilities of making Biggest Guest Posting Mistakes by Newbies. They do this by looking at whether the interlinking sites have unique IP Addresses and server C-Block numbers. If the websites are each hosted on the same server, it’s pretty obvious to Google that spam might be going on.

Why Does Google Follow This Metric?

Search engines put a ton of emphasis on the number of linking root domains to a website. Because in the early days of search it was easy to fool the search engine into thinking your website was an authority simply by creating tens of thousands of links to your site across just a handful of domains.

Google came up with the whole idea of ranking websites based on links in the first place. Because each link was assumed to be someone’s vote of confidence in the quality of your material. If all of the links to your site are coming from only one root domain, then only one source is really voting for you. If ten different domains link to you, then you have ten different sources vouching for your website, not just one.

How Should I Go About Guest Posting?

So how should this information affect the way you go about building links?

Everyone knows about the guest post but without knowing the proper steps and right ways of doing a guest post, peoples make the Biggest Guest Posting Mistakes. If you are interested to know about ” Guest Posting | A to Z about Guest Post” you can visit this article.

Rather than writing a hundred articles for one blog, you are better served writing a hundred articles for thirty to forty blogs.  A good rule of thumb is to contribute only around three guest posts on a specific domain unless you have other goals such as building your social media presence or creating a personal brand.

How Do I Find Out How Many Linking Root Domains I have?

You can find out how many linking root domains pointing to your site; by going to ( this URL will redirect you to the site: and typing in your URL. Besides these tools, you can use other similar tools also.

How many linking root domains are pointing to your site? and do you ever made Biggest Guest Posting Mistakes Newbies?

Let us know in the comments.

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