how to find low competition keywords for SEO

When you are new to the world of digital marketing and search engine optimization, you will find out different absolute keywords for your SEO strategy. There is no silver bullet with SEO. In fact, the complexity of SEO depends upon how well you spend time with SEO. While creating your own target keyword, focus on what your competitor is doing or performing for sake of SEO. You must perform some research about Keywords that you are going to use in your content of the website. There are certain strategies or techniques of how to find low competition keywords for SEO. Keyword research plays a vital role in ranking your pages in search engine results pages.

Before you begin placing those target keywords must research your client and customers would use that keyword to find your services or products on your site. If you are overthinking about this then low competition might be the perfect solution for it. During keyword research, make sure that you use low competition keywords for your website. Low-competition keywords are very important for boosting your website’s rank in search engine results pages. We will list out some of those strategies that really help you in how to find low competition keywords for SEO.

1. Make your Initial keyword list

There are different tools available like organic research that helps you build your initial keyword list. Use these tools frequently to determine keyword that is perfectly low competition. Provide these tools with your competitor domain name or any search materials. You will find out or reach out to keyword’s that have been used by your competitor easily. Also, use filters to find relevant keywords for your content of the website. You can also use the Keyword Gap tool to view which keyword can be perfect and export your results in SERP.

2. Expand Your Keyword List

The expansion of the keyword is to partition or segment your initial keyword with search terms and phrases you might have researched. After expanding the whole keyword list as much as it can be, we’ll go back and filter keywords that are really helpful for the content of our website. Research about phrase match keywords, use different online tools. You will get a whole list of keywords that you are targeting for. A more low competition keyword can be found by using certain types of filters. Try to use Question filter like why, who, when, etc which will generate questionable keyword.

3. Research for Low competition Keywords

The number of searched times on a monthly basis for each keyword shows you how much organic traffic you can gain on your website. The higher your order gets for search terms keywords are, the more users will be driven towards your website. We know that the competition for most high volume or lengthy keywords is very high. Trying to rank for keywords you have no chance of ranking for is very useless. Therefore, you need to find the right keyword’s search density and its overall competition level. You can use several strategies such as estimation of outranking your website and determining the density of competition which can be helpful for researching low competition keywords.

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4. Filter your master list for Keyword research

Now, checkout into your master list of target keywords and start using a different filter based on these competitions. First of all, start with a filter for Keyword difficulty. Those keywords are relevant with a Keyword difficulty score less than 75. You can find some high volume targets that are not that much hard or difficult to rank in search engine results pages. You also can use various online tools that are available for determining keyword difficulty levels. Finding which keywords attract SERP Features like Featured Snippets.

5. Use of social media for finding low competition keywords

When people need any advice or recommendations, they directly use Social media platforms available nowadays. The content we normally share or post on our profile on social media is slightly different from the content you do for search in websites or search engines. Social media supports multi-language which is a very good feature to use in modern days. In order to reach out to your customers. There are several social media platforms like  Facebook, Pinterest, and LinkedIn. They are perfect places to determine perfect low-volume keyword and low competition keywords.

This article is meant for providing you with techniques that are really helpful for SEO. Don’t forget to comment down below your views and ideas

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