Keyword Placement guide For New Blog

As we already stated in the previous article that keyword is a key factor for search engine ranking. This time we come with detailed articles on the Keyword Placement guide For New Blog. Here you found the best tips and tricks to rank your new blog on the search engine.

On domain Keyword Placement guide

1. Keyword Rich domain

If your domain has a keyword and you will try to rank on this keyword. Then it is obvious that you will get the result in a short period of time. But you must have a specific keyword on the domain on which you want to rank. For example, if you have a cooking-related domain and you want to rank in the tech category then it is treated as unnatural. Which will decrease your SEO ranking. Selecting a keyword-rich domain is the first step of a keyword selection for a new blog.

Each and person has its unique name and they are known by their name in front of the world. Similarly, the domain name is the identity of your blog/website, so you must take the time to select the domain names. If you are getting a related keyword-rich domain then it covers 50% of keyword selection for your blog.

2. Introduce Related keyword on Subdomain

If you are already taking the domain name without research then you have another chance to make the domain keyword rich by adding keyword on the subdomain.

For example, you have the domain “”, you want to add specific smartphone affiliate content on this website, then you can create your subdomain as “”, this feature helps you to add specific keywords like smartphones on your domain.

On Website Keyword Placement Full guide

Keyword placement on the home page or on a single page website

Keyword placement on the home page is on-page SEO of homepage or website. It includes meta tags. Generally, meta tags contain meta title,  Meta description (search description), and meta keywords.

Meta Title

The meta title is the title of your website, which is read by a search engine and identifies the theme of the site. Google bots always prefer to read this title to identify the potential of websites. So you must include your preferred keyword in this section. This meta title length must be between 30 to 65 characters for a better user experience on the search result.

meta tags
meta tags

In the picture above, indication 1 shows meta title, it contains 38 characters, which perform better on the search results. If its character exceeds 65 characters then search unable to show the whole title, which gives incomplete or misleading information to the user. This finally decreases the CTR or increases the bounce rate of your website.

And indication 2 shows the meta description or search description, it gives a short description of the content. This meta description length must be between 120 to 320 characters for a better user experience on the search result. Length exceeding 320 characters not shows properly on the search and decrease user retention.

And the last thing is meta keywords, meta keywords are no longer use by google inorder to ranked on google search. Nowadays google directly check your site title, site description, and content for ranking.

Because of these new updates by google, single page website has a liitle difficult to rank on google. So, various single page websites like tools website, downloader website, gaming websites etc use content after their tools. Which content read by google boots and rank on related search.

Also Read: Top 50 Ways to Increase Website Traffic 2021

Keyword Placement on pages and posts

Last but not the least, Keyword placement on pages and posts is the major on page seo factors. Usually higher content website is rank higher then lower content website, if we consider all other factors are same for both website. Google always loves new and unique content, and google ads are usually contextual ads. So, google always ranks high quality content with sufficient content.

While placing keywords on pages and posts you must follow some standard format. Points to be consider while Keyword placement on pages and posts are listed below

  1. Post or page title must content focused keywords
  2. Slug or permalink must content focused keywords
  3. Focused keywords must appear on the first paragraph ( within first 100 words of your contents) and on the last paragraph ( within last 100 words of your contents)
  4. Keywords to total text density is around 1% to 2% per 100 to 250 words. It means each 100 to 250 words you must have 1-2 keywords.
  5. Use focused keywords on heading tags as necessity but donot overoptimize.
  6. You must use your focused keywords on image alt text and title text to get better result on images search.
  7. Must use focused keywords on meta description of your post or page.

This is the simple and basic Keyword Placement guide For New Blog, if you find this information usefull, then feel free to comment us. And more interesting articles like this, please stay with AdSense Article.

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