Keyword Research

Keyword Research is the process that people use in search engines like Google, Bing, etc for discovering the phrases and words. Researching keywords makes the user’s a better understanding of the keywords that how much high demand is for certain keywords.  The research starts with a topic, idea which is known as ‘seed’. This makes the content of the website strong and powerful. As a result, this helps in identifying popular words and phrases in search engines.

Why is Keyword Research important for SEO?

Keyword Research is important for Search Engine Optimization (SEO) because this will make your website promotion of using better words. While this also helps in traffic growth and traffic lead quality.  For the strong content topics, you do keyword research in search engines. Researching keywords makes you more understanding your target audience. why? because it gives knowledge that what customers are searching for…  and the exact words that they use.

Keywords are also known as search terms so, it should be more than one. The more your keyword is strong in the contents the more your ranking position will be an increase in the search engine this helps the content readers to get more information and better knowledge. That’s why keyword research is more important for Search Engine Optimization.

Two Types of Keyword

  1. Short- Tail keywords
  2. Long- Tail keywords

Short-Tail Keywords

Short-Tail keywords are the keywords that contain three words or less also know own as popular keywords. It refers to wide topics rather than specific ones. It also tends to have a very high search volume, because they are so wide.

For eg: woolen clothes is the  eg of short-tail keywords


Pros of short-tail keywords:

  • It has a higher search volume.
  • Higher opportunity to get your website in front of the search engine.
  • fewer words are used


Cons of short-tail keywords:

  • The cost is high.
  • Competitive is high in ranking.
  • Difficult to create the right content.


Long-Tail Keywords

Long-Tail keywords are the keywords that contain more than three words while you search in the search engine. It tends to have a low search volume. It also tends to be longer in the length. As a result,  it is easy to create the right content.

For eg: Best woolen clothes is the eg of long-tail keywords


Pros of long-tail keywords:

  • The cost is low.
  • Competitive is low in the ranking.
  • Easy to create the right content.


Cons of long-tail keywords:

  • It has a lower search volume.
  • lower opportunity to get your website in front of the search engine.
  • More words are used.


Short-Tail Keywords VS  Long-Tail Keywords

Short-Tail keywords:

  • Volume: High
  • Competition: High
  • Focus: Low
  • Cost: High
  • Conversation Rate: Low


Long-Tail Keywords:

  • Volume: Low
  • Competition: Low
  • Focus: High
  • Cost: Low
  • Conversation Rate: High


Steps That You Can Find and Choose Keywords for Your Website

  1.  You should know about the three main factors for choosing good keywords they are relevance, authority, and volume, etc.

Relevance: The user intent should match according to the information the searchers are looking for. This helps visitors to find the exact information they are looking for.

Authority: You should provide quality information to the viewers to obtain more backlinks. This creates more trust among the visitors of your website. As a result, your website can become more authoritative and can rank higher on SERP(Search Engine Result Page)

Volume: It doesn’t matter even if your websites are ranked higher in search engine results pages if no user searches your websites. Traffic quantity doesn’t get increased due to this. We know that Volume is measured in monthly intervals meaning that traffic density is measured every month per audience.

2. Check long-tail keywords this makes your volume searching low also makes the competition ranking low.

3. Watchout the competitors ranking for the keyword. By watching the competitor’s keyword you should evaluate your keyword with strong content this makes your website ranking to the top.


Keyword Research researches for the words and phrases to make the content stronger and helpful for the visitors. The above, types of keywords are much more important for SEO. Without excellent keywords, the content won’t look better and awesome. The high quality of keywords makes your content excellent and greater chance of being top rated. Therefore, Keyword Research is important in Search Engine Optimization.


Read more:  SEO Strategy

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