On page SEO for your Ecommerce websites

In today’s world, Everything is in the verse of transforming into modern technology. Peoples around the world are trying to cope up with rapidly changing modern technology. Technology is developing day by day due to its’s adverse effect on the whole human life and their day-to-day work. The most common trending technology throughout the world is E-commerce or E-shopping. It is an Electronic Commerce or modern way of doing business and trade using the Internet and some popular eCommerce websites are Amazon, Flipkart, etc.

Many Ecommerce websites are performing great well as some of them might are suffering. End users or client always google searches their Wishlist product and always direct towards those sites that are ranked higher or are in the top order in google search results pages. On-page SEO can be a determining factor that helps you rank your sites on top of the search engine results pages(SERP). Also, there is another type of SEO that is Off page SEO but we will be covering only On-page SEO here.

These are the most effective strategies and techniques for improving on-page SEO for eCommerce websites and gaining valuable organic traffic and increase user engagement:

on page SEO

1. Keyword Research and Optimization

You should use relevant or right keywords for all your pages in Websites. A perfect keyword can be used for better visibility of Websites. Short length keywords are highly preferable to a lengthy one. Research says that the client always searches short length keywords in search engines. The optimization of any keyword is very necessary for both client and search engine. Try to place the target keywords in titles of page, in paragraphs, in product descriptions, image names, image alt text, meta title, meta description, and URLs. You must avoid keyword stuffing, which can appear suspicious to Google and other search engines while doing unnecessary keyword stuffing.

2. Overall Content of Website

The overall content of our Ecommerce websites must be appealing to users. First of all, analyze your competitor’s website configuration which will give you an overview of the content of your website. Content-Length, Uniqueness, Relevance, Meta Data, and Performance are the major things that are to be taken into account while generating the content of your website. You must be focused on the following things while creating E-commerce websites : 

  • The website must be multilingual
  • Characteristics of the product should be shown
  • Content must be dynamic 
  • Limit your search engine indexing for pages from your sitemap only.

3. Optimize Category page

In eCommerce websites, along with product pages, the Owner or developer of an eCommerce website should focus on category pages because they immersivity search ranking and influence. Always keep your website category pages optimized. If end users don’t like the appearance of a category page then they might not open or redirect to other product pages too. There are several techniques that are needed to optimize category pages and they are:

  • Conversion rate: The ratio comparing the average number of sales to the number of customers.
  • Engagement: The total time customers spend on the website’s pages known as user engagement. The chances of customers buying our products will increase if the engagement of our website is better.
  •  Click-through rate: Related products should be kept together. There must be categories such as On Sale Popular, Trending, Most viewed products, etc. Any end-users must redirect through different pages.

4. eCommerce Website Architecture 

All your web pages throughout your Website should be managed properly. The structure of our eCommerce site can be one of the determining factors for Customers revisiting our Ecommerce websites. Great user interface and experiences matter a lot in terms of page SEO, So keep things simple and scalable. Ecommerce websites must be divided into various layers due to which modularity of our website gets easy. You can make huge changes to your site’s structure without losing significant search traffic with the help of modularity. On-page SEO for your eCommerce websites can be proper if there is a fine website structure.

There are certain simple techniques that can help you rank your eCommerce website in a higher order of Search engine results pages. Click here to know about those techniques

5. Internal linking

Internal linking within our Ecommerce Websites is very important to boost our products and categories. This means linking from one page on your website to another. When a customer enters into any page of our website, keep internal links of other pages such that his/her attraction is driven towards those pages which will surely increase engagement of users and traffic on our websites. Internal linking helps you to make your anchor tag which will help you in ranking your keywords. While placing keywords, try to place them in relevant places such as headings, titles, subtitles, etc.

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