SEO for e-Commerce Sites | 4 Steps Guidelines

Despite how big the internet is for your target markets, attracting visitors to your site requires commitment and correct Search Engine Optimization (SEO) process. Almost all companies and business organizations concern about SEO including e-Commerce businesses also. Here we are going to discuss SEO for e-Commerce Sites.

SEO is the overall term for the different ways in gaining search engine ranks. When there are high numbers of rankings there is a high possibility that it will be visited by online users. Several patterns contribute to SEO being successful. However not all formulas are applied to all types of websites, for example, small to moderate size websites need one to five key phrases otherwise it’s not applicable for more than a hundred pages websites.

SEO for a common website compare to SEO for an e-Commerce site may also vary slightly due to the complexity of the site. We will focus on doing the right SEO for eCommerce sites.

e-Commerce can be bigger in size depending on the functionalities and number of products to offer. Coding is also dynamic compare to common sites, making the search engines harder to crawl through your dynamic site. Hence SEO for an eCommerce site involves more than promoting the Meta keywords or descriptions per web page.

Unless an e-Commerce site has a name already and with so many loyal buyers like John Lewis, Amazon, eBay, or, successful SEO is vital. Below are some effective SEO processes for e-Commerce sites:

1. Focused Meta Keywords and Meta Descriptions Per Product

It is the major part of SEO for e-Commerce Sites. Meta tags coding is the web developer’s task. Normally the developer will only put the general Meta keywords set up on the first days of launching the site. Hence the eCommerce requires continuous updates even on the back-end.

Specifics tags are necessary because these are what the customers will look for on the search engines. For example, they will not type in “shopping online”, instead they will type, “buy furniture or buy sofa”, some will even type more specific like “buy red sofa”.

2. Link Building

It is one of the important strategies for doing SEO for e-Commerce Sites. Link Building as a popular SEO process is about the submission of your link to relevant websites. Prevent subscribing to paid link submissions, not always but they may hurt your site reputation unless you get a truly professional team. Link Building has a limitation of linkbacks per month over that limitation; the search engines might ban your site.

If you hire an SEO team to work for your marketing, most of the time they will advise you and recommend you the best ways to acquire links to your site and at times they will include this in your SEO campaign.

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3. Public Relations

Doing Public Relation is like link building too, you leave a link on the publishing sites going back to your site. It plays a vital role in SEO for e-Commerce Sites. However, it’s more of leaving a deeper link, since you will also be educating your markets through news and press release writings. You can do articles for the new products, best-selling products, or even the least selling products, to whatever you want the market to know about your e-commerce site.

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4. Relevant and Always Updated Contents

This is the most important SEO requirement. If Meta keywords and Meta descriptions are not up to date; and the contents on your website are not up to scratch. Then this not only this will impact your marketing but also the users the use your site, as it will portray the image of your company. All we know that content is king so, relevant and updated content is a major consideration on SEO for e-Commerce Sites.

Enough contents attract search engines. However, no matter how much content your site already has, you need to make ways to always update. Old contents might be demoted by search engines.  Therefore enough amount and newly updated contents are vital.

Above is a brief overview of what you can do when starting SEO on an e-commerce website.

In conclusion: Above mention four steps are basic and compulsory for maintaining e-Commerce site SEO. SEO is itself a very vast topic but here I am sharing some ideas on basis of my experience only. If you found this information useful then feel free to give feedback on us.

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