SEO for Ecommerce Website: Simple and Effective Techniques

In today’s modern era, Everything is transforming or is in the stage of transforming to digitization. Slowly peoples are driving them towards modern technology due to its’s adverse effect on the whole human life and their day-to-day work. One of the most popular trending technology throughout the world is E-commerce. Because of E-commerce popularities, SEO for eCommerce Website is most considerable which ranking such websites. As its name clearly defines that it is an Electronic Commerce or modern way of doing business and trade. Some examples of eCommerce websites are Amazon, Flipkart, etc.

There are several types of eCommerce websites, each is performing its operations according to its motive. Many of those websites are performing well and are great in their field well as some of them might are suffering. It is a fact that customer always google searches their Wishlist product and always open those eCommerce sites that are ranked higher in those google searches. SEO is the main factor that can rank your sites on top of the search engine results. Even though there are various eCommerce websites out there, Good SEO can help you drastically rank your eCommerce at the top of google search results. Various SEO strategies mentioned below can get you out at the SERP (Search Engine Results Pages).

If you are looking to get more traffic on your eCommerce website, Read the following techniques. This guide helps you drive your product sales and grow your business:

Some Points on SEO for Ecommerce Website are listed below:

1. Perfect Keyword Research for eCommerce Websites

First of all, Make sure that you use relevant keywords for all your pages on Websites. Short length keywords are always more preferable to Lengthy ones. Short length keywords are searched mostly by end-users or customers so they can drive a huge amount of traffic. Place your keyword early in your content. Here, on SEO of eCommerce websites, short length keywords usually refer 3 to 5-word keyword which clearly defines products. 

2. eCommerce Website Architecture 

It does matter how you manage all your web pages throughout your Website. Architecture or simply the structure of our websites can be one of the main factors of Customers revisiting our Ecommerce websites. Great user interface and experiences matter a lot in SEO, So it is very important to keep things simple and scalable. Good Architecture drastically decreases the bounce rate and helps increase user retention, which plays a vital role in SEO of eCommerce as well as other websites.

3. On-Page SEO for Ecommerce Website

Once you get your perfect Architecture or structure for your eCommerce website, then you can look out for optimization in website structure. Start with optimizing your HTML tags such as Headings(H1, H2,…etc.), Meta Tags, Titles, and Descriptions. Try to keep categories as well as product pages optimized and are available while customers search them. Related products should be kept together. There must be categories such as On Sale Popular, Trending, Most viewed products, etc.

4. Use Responsive Design

Your eCommerce website must be designed and developed with the concept of mobile-first. Many people prefer using mobiles and tablets for surfing the internet because they are handy and portable. It’s very important to have a responsive design of your websites to enhance a better user experience. The responsive nature of a website is a must therefore optimization responsiveness should be done properly.

5. Internal Linking

Internal linking within our Ecommerce Websites is very important to gain customer or end-user engagement in our sites. When a customer enters our website, keep internal links of other pages such that his/her attraction is driven towards those pages which will ultimately increase our engagement and traffic on our websites. Internal linking allows you to establish your anchor tag which will help you in ranking for your keywords. While placing keywords, think wisely about where we can place them.

6. Reduce Page Load Speed

 Page load speed is also one of the promising factors of ranking your Ecommerce website in search engine result pages. An eCommerce website must load faster on both mobile and PC even though they contain large amounts of static data. We can use page speed insights tools that are available for free on the internet for analyzing our page load speed. The insights tool can conclude and provide suggestions for improving our page load speed. There are certain guides that you can use for improving the site’s loading speed. Some of them are:

  • Compress every image that is used in the website
  • Use lightweight themes
  • Must Use lazy loading
  • Use CDN links (Content Delivery Network)
  • Always use the Clean Code user interface.
  • Use advanced scale hosting for the website.


There are numerous ways of getting more traffic on our eCommerce websites such as social media, advertisements, etc. SEO is always a preferable choice among them. A simple SEO idea can get more amount of customers than you have expected. Always keep above mentioned techniques and guides in your SEO campaign to be higher ranked than your overall competitor. The research above guides seriously and deeply so that you can use them in your ECommerce website’s SEO. There are several SEO tools available for free in the market, Use them to improve your SEO ranking. A great idea behind good SEO is publishing unique and amazing content, so be mindful of your content.

If you find the “SEO for Ecommerce Website: Simple and Effective Techniques” article helpful then please take a moment to share it with others. Thank you for taking the time to read this guide and also visit the Adsense Article home page for more useful content like this. 

If you don’t have much time or if you are feeling overwhelmed by all this SEO stuff then feel free to reach out to me. Regards


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