
A sitemap is the blueprint of your website that helps the search engines, by searching crawl, index of your website content. Also, tells a Google search engine which pages are most important on your site. A visual sitemap is a process that you can create before building a website. It is a fundamental feature of your website’s search engine optimisation (SEO) strategy As a result, it is a  list of pages of a web site. Furthermore, it is also known as XML Sitemap.

Four types of sitemap:-

  1. Normal
  2. Video
  3. News
  4. Image

Normal Sitemap

It is the most common type of sitemap. It links to different pages on your website. As a result, it is a form of XML Sitemap.

Video Sitemap

Usually helps Google to understand the video content on your page.

News Sitemap

Helps Google to find out the content on your site that is approved by Google news.

Image Sitemap

Assists Google to find all the images hosted on your site.

Why is it important?

They are a good way of letting search engines know by finding the crawl and index of your website content. In Search Engine Optimization (SEO), you can find varieties of tricks and tips that help you to optimize the content of your website. And it is the one that is used to optimize a website. Moreover, The importance of this is, greatly underrating. This method is more important to the website to communicate with Serch Engine Optimization (SEO).  Robot(.txt) and Sitemap are way different for the Search engine. Because robot(.txt) tells a Google search engine which part of the website do not include for indexing. Whereas, this process tells Google search engines where you had like to go.

This process is not a new concept as they have always been the best part practices of being design. On your website, you probably don’t need this. Including it, won’t hurt the Search engine Optimization. Therefore, it makes sense to use them. With the generation of it by Google search engines, it had made Google find out the crawl and index of your website content in an easy way. This process has made blog writers easier to optimize the content of your website. Whereas, this process uses the XML Sitemap that is different from an ordinary HTML Sitemap which is used by Yahoo and MSN.  Therefore, it is more important for optimizing the content of your website as well as helps search engines to find out the crawl and index of your content.

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Best Practises

If you have the intension to use this method in search Engine Optimization (SEO) then follow the given instructions:

  1. Create a sitemap:- First, you have to create a sitemap account. If you use WordPress, inside the features of it, WordPress has made it for you with the Yoast Search Engine Optimization(SEO) Plugin. The main benefit of Yoast to XML sitemap it updates automatically.
  2. Submit Your sitemap to Google:- submitting it you should log in to the Google search console account. You can submit it by Go the index then click sitemap after that hit submit.
  3. Use the Sitemap Report to Spot Errors:-  It provides a report that shows you how many URLs Google found in your sitemap and how many of those pages ended up in Google’s index.
  4. Use Your Sitemap to Find Problems With Indexing:- This helps you to find the problems in your website content through indexing.
  5. Match Your Sitemaps and Robots.txt:- robot(.txt) tells a Google search engine which part of the website do not include for indexing. Whereas, it tells Google search engines where you had like to go.


Using it you will get lots of benefits. It gives more visibility to the search engine. If the sitemap is available to the content of your website and submits it to the search engine,  you will rely on external links less when search engines are bringing visitors to your website. Additionally, it is also used to fix the internal links of your website. If the website is new or recently updated pages, then using this method is extremely important to pull up to your success. Also, helps to optimize the content of your website which makes your ranking position higher in the Google search engine. This provides a report that shows you how many URLs Google found in your sitemap and how many of those pages ended up in Google’s index. This helps you to find the problems in your website content through indexing.

Therefore, using this it is more important or useful to your content of the website as well as for the search engine.

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