Top 50 Ways to Increase Website Traffic 2021

Table of Contents

Top 50 ways to increase website traffic (free + paid) 

Every blogger and website owner wants a bulk of traffic to their website. It’s a normal search over the Internet that how to increase website/blog traffic for free nowadays days.

 But to increase website/blog ranking and traffic in Google is not an easy task. It requires a content strategy with proper time management. Here I am providing you the latest secrets tips and tricks to rank your website/blog higher on google.

If you really want to know how to increase website/blog traffic for free of cost and fast, and to drive huge traffic to your blog/website (Read full article carefully) 

1. Write Optimum length post

The long post gets better SERPs than low content or no content posts in each search engine like google, bing, and yahoo, etc.  A long and optimal post will be really helpful to how to increase blog/website traffic for free of cost.  You can use case studies, some FAQs, examples, and tutorials to make your post length optimal. Expand on your content with relevant information, fill out your blog posts with details and create really viral content. The optimum length of word count for the best post is 2000 words to 3000 words.

But writing a long post does not mean adding unwanted words to your article and increase length. Generally by research post with 2000 to 3000 words has higher user retention. Short post may have insufficient content and longer than 3000 word makes bore their readers.

 2. Use Images and Infographics 

Human minds more engage in images, not in the only text and many visitors only look for images on a website/blog rather than textual content. So it is one of the good ways to get more traffic If you use some funny, great, informative, and amazing infographics and images… If you are enough creative and like to do research, then you should try to create infographics for your post, as they tend to attract much traffic and links, and don’t forget to submit your image and infographics to the sites (infographics/images submission site). It is one of the awesome ways to increase website traffic for free.

3. Headings selection

Similar to images and infographics, most visitors read the headings only. They analyze your whole post with the help of heading and read the whole content only if they found it is interesting. So always try to write the appropriate, attractive, amazing, and eye-catching headings.

4. On-page SEO 

Your primary focus is to work for On-Page Seo if you want to come on the first page by your keywords. My main focus keywords for this post are ways to increase website traffic for free 2021 and many more. Before start writing any post, detailed research on keywords is necessary.

5. Focus Long tail keywords 

In the initial phase, If You want to be a successful content writer then You need to focus on long-tail low competition keywords only. Take the help of Google Keywords planner which is free for all. This post focus on following long-tail low competition keywords like 

Ways to increase website traffic for free and ways to increase website traffic fast.

Search engines always work around keywords. For example, the keyword “funny pictures” has 15 times higher searches than the keyword “funny images,” and ways to increase website traffic for free has 4 times more searches than ways to increase website traffic fast. so, you should use such low competition keywords on your post title. You can use the Google Keyword Planner Keyword Tool to discover the actual search volume of any keywords.

6. Start Guest Post 

Guest Post is one of the best ways for link building, building an online relationship, and getting huge website/blog traffic instantly. Simply send your article to the website/blog owner and ask them to publish it as a guest post. It is a simple way to get traffic to your sites and guest post accepting sites get quality content by providing links to you.

Also Read: Guest Posting | A to Z about Guest Post

You can also write Guest Post for us. Want to publish a guest post on our site kindly send your post to

7. Invite others to write for you

Guest Posting works in bilateral ways (two ways). When someone writes on your site then they share this post among their fans. Which gives exposure to your site too. In this way, you get both traffic and content for your sites.

8. Internal Linking or Link Networks

Always linking your old post to a recent post like below so that users also visit your older post if they are interested. Which increases page views and user session duration. Linking new to an old post and again edit old posts to link others’ posts create link networks that help to trap your visitor in your page with their interest. This process increases page view and finally increases search ranking.

Also Read: How to start a personal blog?

9. Interview others to your blog 

Interview a famous public figure related to your niche can help to increase traffic to your site. If they share this interview on social media platforms then probably millions of people click and visit the interview,  you can’t imagine now how much traffic you will definitely get.

10. Write About a successful website/blog related to your site 

Writing about a successful website/blog related to your niche can help to gain a good online reputation and also will help to get blog traffic. And another thing you can do is to remind them by email when you complete your post and published posts related to them and you can request them to share that post on their social media. When they share that post on their social media, their fans engage in this post and which helps to boost website traffic.

11. Explore your analytics,

First of all, find you’re most popular content and highlight your most popular content on every new post. This is done easily by creating the “most popular” or “trending articles” or “most view” section on your website. This type of presentation hit the visitor mindset and help to gain more user retention. This process finally increases the page view and session per user.

12. YouTube and DailyMotion

Video sharing platform like youtube and Dailymotion gives you tons of traffic. If you have some basic idea of video editing then you can start youtube. Now peoples love to watch content than reading. Make useful and quality video content, and share links to your website in the description box. Which gives social traffic and at the same time you can earn some extra buck from monetizing youtube videos.

Along with youtube you can post your video to other video sharing platforms and generate decent traffic for your website/blog.

13. Use Slideshare like Website

If your content has some educational value then convert some of your content into a presentation. Then you can share such presentations to the presentation sharing platforms like Slideshare. This type has millions of traffic and gives the opportunity to drive traffic to your site by the quality and useful presentation.

14. Create niche related Facebook page

Linking a Facebook profile helps to improve the social media presence of the website. Creating a separate niche base Facebook page for your blog is the best way to drive traffic from Facebook-like social media. Creating a targeted audience group on Facebook which helps to maintain your website traffic and helps in earning, even there is less organic search traffic.

Our Facebook fan page: Join us

 15. Twitter

Tweet all of your posts when you publish. Twitter is also one of the popular and largest social media sites. So, link your website or blog with Twitter, and don’t forget to tweet your post regularly. 

In the market there are various auto social sharing tools and software, you can use them to save your time and get your website engagement from social media. Details of such software will be discussed in point 17.

 16. Google Site

Create your promotion page on google’s site. And update every post with a short description when you post. Google site takes very little time to rank on search and drive desired traffic to your blog. And Google’s site is free for all and you can easily create your landing page on google site.

 17. Social Media Scheduling Software

If you are using WordPress the use social auto poster plugin and if you are using other platforms you can use Buffer, IFFFT like the software to post your post automatically on social media. No need to worry about posting schedule and time, all things are cared for and maintained by these tools/software. In this way, you can drive social traffic to your sites.

18. Pinterest Pin and board

Pinterest is also one of the best ways to drive traffic to your sites. It is a free platform you can create own board and pins in Pinterest ( Here pins is created by photo and short descriptions). These created pins drive traffic to your sites. And you can also pin on other boards as a collaborative Pinterest board which gives traffic from other fan following.

19. Comment on other blogs

Commenting on backlinks is also one of the important ways of getting backlinks. Comment on a related niche gives benefits with contextual backlinks and if you comment on non-related topics with links to your website then this backlink works as spammy backlinks. So, thinks first before creating comment backlinks.

20. Build Relationship 

A relationship is important in every field. Reach out to the other blogger or content writer through their contact us page, email, and social media and offer them to share their article, publish your post on their blog, or sharing articles for backlinks.

21. Include social sharing buttons on all your post

 While people reading, if they found interesting then they love to share such content with their friends and family. By including social sharing buttons on every post you will increase the chance of social sharing and which finally increase social traffic of your website/blog

22. Best Ending

Always make the ending interesting and engaging. If possible try to end your post with questions, like what is your view, what do you think about it, have some queries? etc. Such types of ending give value to the reader and force them to engage with you.

 23. Post all Content on

 Medium gives you the article sharing option that already posted on your blog with a canonical URL. Sharing your article on a medium platform gives various benefits. The first benefit is getting backlinks from high-authority sites. And the second benefit is getting traffic for your blog. Medium has millions of traffic and gives outreach for your blog among millions of audiences. 

24. Engage with readers

Reply to your emails and comments show your readers/audience that you’re interested in what they think about you and You are loyal towards your audience. 

 25. Facebook groups

Join niche-related Facebook groups and communities to share useful and knowledgable content and reach your quality content to the audience base. Facebook has an interesting base audience and if you are capable to deliver interesting content to the audience then you will definitely get traffic to your sites.

 26. LinkedIn

Create a profile on LinkedIn including a link to your blog/website and contribute to groups and discussions in your related field. This process increases social engagement with an interested audience. 

27. Submit your best posts to Digg.

Digg is the homepage of the internet with trending topics, videos, and many more. It is also a type of website which gives you an opportunity to get outreach for your blog/websites and youtube. Digg directly sends traffic to your sites. Each and every content that place on Digg does not open in Digg itself. Digg has around 6M monthly traffic ( this date is as of 2021 March) with high domain authority, which gives traffic and link benefits to your websites.

 28. Social media promotion for old content too.

While sharing your content on social media, don’t forget to share old content too. Each content plays an equal role to drive traffic to your blog. And social media is an interest base platform, Normally, no one search required content but if they have seen it on their wall then the audience may click on your post.

 29. Include a link to your blog in every single online profile you have.  

 When you create a personal profile on a social network, you will have a chance to include the URL of your blog/website. Guess what? This is one of the link-building opportunities, and it definitely helps to increase your website traffic (along with traffic to your blog you will get link benefits also).

30. List your blog in as many free blog directories

There are various free blog directories that give you the opportunity to post or listing your blog. The actual amount of website traffic you’ll get from this method depends on the quality of the web directories that will accept your blog. If you are going to submit your blog to hundreds of them, some directories accept, and by which you will definitely get traffic.

If you have a blog, you can also submit it to article directories websites.

 31. Post helpful information in forums

 Related to your niche and include your blog’s URL in your signature. Join online discussion forums and put a connection to your site in your mark. No Matter the topics of your site, you’ll definitely discover many related online discussion forums to join. Most of such platforms allow you to insert a link in your signature, and you can use that to send visitors to your own website.

Apart from inserting a link to your website in your signature, you can also link back to your articles when writing forum posts. For example, if you just wrote a post that is will definitely useful to other forum members, you could start a thread letting them known about it, and requesting feedback.

Before doing this, just make sure that, Is this related to your article or not? otherwise, you might get banned from the forums

 32. Submit articles to article directories

Like Ezine Articles. If your article is re-published on the article directories you’ll benefit from extra links. Here is the top ten article submission directory.

 Article marketing and re-marketing is a very common and effective way to increase your traffic. For getting traffic, you need to submit your articles to the article directories. In practice, all of the article directories provide you the link inserting options, which will increase the traffic to your sites. Blog and article directories help you to increase website traffic for free and fast.

 33. Press release link

Syndicate by writing a press release linking back to your blog.

 34. Publish an e-book

write or compile an e-book, offer it or sell it on Amazon Kindle-like platforms. Make sure your web address is in the first 10% of the book so it shows up in the sample. This is one of the most efficient and fast ways to generate traffic. Simply write a compelling eBook, and then publish it on your website. Include a direct downloadable link, and email bloggers and webmasters(search console) in your niche to let them know about it. The better and use information in your eBook, the more people will engage, share and recommend it, and the more traffic you’ll gain.

35. Enter blogging competitions

There is various blogging competition program that regularly launched. You can enter any of such platforms and drive traffic to your blog.

36. Answer Question

Take participation on Answer questions on Yahoo or Quora and leave a link to your website. Answer to questions on Yahoo! Answers. Take some time to find related questions on yahoo. You can include a link to your blog as an additional resource, or to a specific blog post inside your site that answers the question too. Same theory You can apply at Quora.

37. Use Ping Services

Ping your blog posts with a tool like Pingomatic.

 38. Mobile Responsive

Optimize your website for viewing on mobile devices because the majority of people use mobile devices. By making mobile responsive you can able to hold your majority of the traffic of your blogs.

 39. Focus on the mobile user ( Create Mobile app)

Create an app for iPhone or Android. Google’s mobile operating system, called Android, is quickly catching up, so you could create a website app for it as well and submit an android app to all app download sites to get better results.

 40. Leave comments on other blogs.

Develop the habit of visiting similar blogs with your niche and leaving comments on them. You can easily include a link to your blog on each comment, and some visitors will definitely come through those links. You can easily build quality backlinks by commenting on blogs.

41. Make Network 

Try to build professional relationships with other bloggers or website owners.  In every field, work with coordination gives the best results. In healthy competitions, gives a link to their sites and request links for your sites. If your audience interested in their content then they engage in their content and vice versa.

42. Write a ”how-to”, “Top 10″,  “beginner guide”  type post

Most of the readers love “Top 10″ lists because they are simply short, sweet, and useful stuff (i.e., 10 resources, 10 ways, 10 tips, and so on)

 If “Top 10″ lists are good for attracting traffic, “Top 100″ ones are great. This article is an example. People will bookmark and share your “Top 100″ list if they get value from it. And naturally, because of the value, it packs together.

43. Customize your 404 error page.

 Whether you like it or not but never like to see 404 errors on your website. Maybe sometimes users will misspell your URLs, maybe someone will link to a non-existing page inside your website, and so on. If you use a normal 404 error page, visitors will simply move on to another website. If you customize your 404 error page to include some useful links or make a similar posts redirection, however, you’ll channel these visitors to other parts of your site, thus increasing your traffic and it will also help how to increase website traffic for free.

 44. Speed up your website

 Many research papers are confirming that most Internet users will only wait a couple of seconds for a web page to load. If it doesn’t, they will close it and move to another website. On top of that search engines also use the loading speed as a ranking factor, so the faster your site loads, the higher your search rankings. The first thing you should do to improve your loading speed is to remove unnecessary elements from your site and to reduce the size of your images.

45. WhatsApp group

What’s App marketing is the newest way of promoting a product. Simply add in many groups related to your niche and promote yourself.

46. Facebook ads

The best alternative to Google AdWords is the Facebook Ads platform. You’ll be able to pay both similar to google ads like per click and per 1,000 impressions, and you can also target very specific demographics, to make sure the visitors will be interested in your content.

47. Purchase banner ads directly.

Virtually most of the website owner is willing to sell banner ads. If you find a website that is closely related to yours, therefore, you could contacts the owner asking how much he would charge for a banner ad. The return of investment (ROI) might be high here because the user that will come to your blog/website will be likely to stick around and become loyal readers of your site.

48. Submit your content to Reddit

If you fail to get success with Digg, try Reddit. It works similarly, but it is smaller and has a more friendly community, so your content might do better there. Funny stuff, technology, and politics are topics particularly suitable for the site.

49. Host webinars

Hosting simple webinars can you famous as well as will provide you lot’s of traffic.

50. Use Google Adwords

Google Adwords is a costly service but it’s the most effective way to increase website traffic.

I am sure if you use these techniques then you will surely get 10000 visitors easily each month. If you have any questions,  you can ask me in the comments section. If you any more tips to add in how to increase website traffic for free and fast in 2016 then please let me know.


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