Top programming language for web development

Nowadays, Every business or every large to small scale organization has any website or social media pages. Those websites or pages are highly functional and are presenting very well. Website or other similar platforms development are the parts in web development, . Web Technology has become so vast that there are several programming languages, tools, frameworks, etc for web development. If you’re new to the field of web development, the toughest part of learning programming is deciding where to begin and what to do next. There are several programming languages that are needed for web development. Here we will be covering the top programming language for web development.

Web developer programming language

In order to pursue a career in web development, you must have a different set of skills. Skills might differ from front end development to backend development. There is a certain programming language you must have underneath your resume to land your job as a web developer. As of 2020, Top programming language for web development is listed as below and these rankings are provided or given by some research.

1. Javascript

Nowadays, Javascript is the most trending popular programming language all over the world. According to some research, JS is preferred by most web developers around the world. It is used as client-side programming previously. However, JS has become so popular that Javascript has its own overall web development stack. Javascript supports Object-oriented programming which is the advanced method of programming. There are several frameworks of javascript for the front end development such as Reactjs, Angularjs, and Nodejs, Express, etc for the backend.

2. Python

Python has become one of the most trending programming languages currently. It makes sense when we can say python is ruling all over the information technology. Python is very popular due to its involvement in different advanced fields such as Machine learning, AI, Data Science, IoT, and Web development. Furthermore, Python is very much beginner-friendly and is rich in good user experiences. There are several frameworks of Python programming language such as Django, Flask, Tkinter, NumPy, TensorFlow, pandas, OpenCV.

3. Java

Java is considered one of the most stable languages and it has been the ruling the information technology market since 2000 A.D. It is based on its core concept that “This is to write once and run anywhere”, which means Java is a cross-platform language which is also source free. Versatility and ubiquity are important features of Java. The Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and JRE(Java Runtime Environment) enables it to work on different configured devices and platforms. Spring boot, Swing, Java beans are the most popular frameworks of Java.

There are certain skills for a web developer that is a must for Web developers. Click here for a complete road map of a web developer.

4. PHP

PHP stands for Hypertext Preprocessor and is one of the most popular server-side programming languages for web development. This language is for web development and it is easy due to its wide range of popular web frameworks. Most of those frameworks are free and offer very strong security features.  PHP consists of many modules and libraries which makes web application and software development rapid. PHP can generate very awesome CMS content management systems. The most popular framework of PHP is laravel, WordPress, etc.

5. Go Language

Go aka Golang is a programming language. It is develop by Facebook. This programming language is ideal for engineers who want to build reliable, simple, and efficient software easily. It is similar to the C and C++ programming language with much more inbuilt functionality. It is one of the most chosen languages for building web servers, data pipelines, and even machine-learning packages. Some of the features of Golang is: Go has a garbage collector and is open source.

6. Ruby on rails

Ruby is the scripting language. It is a common platform for web development and software development. Most of the developers prefer it because it is beginner-friendly. Its syntax and structure are very common and easy. ROR commonly known as Ruby on Rails is a popular framework of ruby and it merges ruby with javascript. It is generally a server-side scripting language that can deal with HTML, CSS, and Javascript for whole stack development of Web. There are various tools and libraries that are useful for developers. This programming language is also very time efficient.

Overall, These programming languages are the most scalable and most flexible languages. Make sure that to start from the basics in the right direction and build solid foundations. 

Thank you

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