Understanding the Relationship Between SEO and Content

If you’re a local area business owner who knows of the importance of having a better online presence, then chances the chances of familiar with the concept of SEO are very high. You should know that your website’s or blog’s content does not only serve the purpose of entertaining and educating your visitors. Your content also has good standing something to do with SEO. Content in readers’ points of view and SEO points of view are two different parts of the same coin. These facts are easily understood. On the other hand, it can be very hard to know how content can help in optimizing your website.

While Maintaining the relationship between SEO and Content you must consider the following things.

Factors for Relationship Between SEO and Content

Remember your readers

It’s very easy to get lost or doing mistakes in everything that has to do with SEO. Some people put more focus on keywords and getting found by search engines that they forget the entire point of having a blog – to lure new visitors and turn them into valid leads. If your website/blog does not cater to humans, then you’re completely wasting your time.

A few tips on making your website/blog user-friendly: write short paragraphs rather than kilometric ones. Also, complement each article with page titles and subheadings to give your readers an idea of what the write-ups are all about. Make sure that your content must have a clear call to action. For instance, you can motivate your readers at the end of a write-up to call you or schedule an appointment with you. Finally, weave in your focus keywords as naturally as possible.

Why should you even go to such lengths in creating your website/blog as user-friendly as possible? This is because your website’s/blog’s goal is not just to attract viewers but also to convert them into your regular customers. If your website/blog isn’t user-friendly and enough interactive, then you’ll never be able to accomplish your goal as effectively as you would want to.

Be careful with your keywords

Your keywords are integral to your SEO campaign and you must utilize them in your website. The trick in using keywords more effectively is not overdoing it. If you place a lot of keywords on your website/blog, then you’ll be upsetting the search engines and your visitors will think that they’re reading spam or junk. On the other hand, a 1% to 3%  keyword density will allow your write-ups to read naturally yet search engines like google, bing, etc… can still identify these keywords easily.

What is your business all about?

Your website’s/blog’s content should clearly state what your business is all about. Since you’re selling your services and/or products, you need to be explicit with what you do. You can also use your website/blog to advertise your business’ focused vision and mission. Make sure though that your website’s/blog content is following your vision and mission.

After reading about the Factors for Relationship Between SEO and Content, you will have to create content that is SEO optimized. Only SEO-optimized content helps to engage your audience.

How To Create Audience Engaging Content

More Engagement – Better Rankings

There is a whole list of benefits for creating content that engages your audience. You build relationships through interacting. Your links are shared more often through social media. People comment on your blog posts. Your follow-base will stay on your own site longer. And above all, Search search will start to rank you higher in search engines like google, bing, etc…; allowing you to expand to a huge audience. These are the most important, I in my point of view. But what needs to take place for this to happen? I’m going to share with you a few tips and tricks that I find quite helpful!

Content Is King

Remember, without good content – your site will never go anywhere. You must start developing and posting new and informative information. Writing articles that answer questions and solve problems is key to your success. If you have solved someone’s problem or answered their exact question; chances are they will not only come back but tell others about your site.

Good Titles Are Crucial!

Writing compelling blog titles are more crucial than you may think. Remember, these are the very first words a reader reads when visiting your latest post – if the headline isn’t enticing, they will just click the ‘back’ button in their browser and leave. It is also what a reader reads when your link is floating around on social media –  your title should be designed to get more readers to click the link; if you fail to do this, you could be missing out on huge traffic.

Easy To Comment And Share

We are now living in a society where everybody wants everything right at this moment – no waiting. If you want a better chance at readers sharing your link – you must make sharing simple. Install a Plugin on your blog that makes it easy. Shareaholic is one best example; there are many others. Nobody wants to invest time to highlight, copy, and paste the URL to their social media page. Though this is simple, a reader may avoid sharing just because it takes an extra 3 seconds. Get a Plugin and increase your odds.

Call To Action

If you really want someone to share your link – ask them! Most readers will not even think about sharing content unless you remind them. Hint at it or ask politely, but don’t demand it.

Build Relationships With Your Readers

This is the most important tip and trick that I can give you. Imagine going to a very well-known site or blog and you happened to leave a comment. You were notified that someone left a comment on your blog post, through e-mail. You go back to the site/blog to check the comment and it was the actual site/blog that commented on your comment and they thanked you for doing so! Is that friendly or what? What are the odds that you will head back to that site shortly just because of this reason alone? My guess is pretty good. Relationships are very effective. If you show your reader that you care – they will visit again and again.

In A Nutshell

The reality is if you want to have a long-lasting site that is ranked high in the search engines and has a large follow-base; you are going to have to put a smidgen of real effort into it. Think of the sites that are not doing this – if you want to stand out from your competition in your niche market, you will need to work a little harder and smarter. Food for thought. Hope this helps!

After knowing the relationship between SEO and content, and the idea of how to write engaging content still you are unable to rank on the search engines. This is because of some common mistake of careless that you made knowingly and unknowingly.


Also Read: 50 Ways to increase blog/website traffic

Why Your Content is Not as SEO Worthy as You Thought

The majority of webmasters welcomed the Panda Update. In their mind it was going to give them the chance, once and for all, to find the success they were looking for. Unfortunately not every website can enjoy the luxury of a first-page spot on the SERP’s and many webmasters have become confused by the Panda Updates’ lack of difference to SEO. The main problem that people have is that they do not fully understand what Google really wants from their content; no one has clearly defined what “great content” actually means. In order to make content worthy as per SEO you need to maintain Relationship Between SEO and Content

Being objective about your content, and not subjective

SEO isn’t about you and your website. It doesn’t revolve around the things you like and things you don’t; instead, it’s a cold and mathematical process that can determine your website’s worth through a series of indicators. Anyone who is producing quality content with SEO in mind has to adhere to this principle too. All the content that you write and publish should be checked and double-checked by your industry colleagues. Attaining feedback from your friends may help to increase your confidence but it probably won’t help your SEO prospects. You need an objective and honest opinion on your content from an informed individual who is willing to tell you the truth.

My tips on how to please Google with your content

Although getting your content reviewed before publishing will help there is no way to really objectively verify if your content will be an SEO success. I’m not going to lie to you and say that there is some sort of magic formula to writing “great” posts because unfortunately there isn’t. What I can offer you though are some guidelines for you to follow as you write your content.

Invest time into your work

You can’t write a blog post in an hour and expect it to be an SEO king. All your content should be thoroughly planned, researched, and reviewed before it is published. It may take you four times as long to create an 800-word piece this way but it will be 800 words that have real SEO potential. You should be sure to take some time out to consider the relevance of your content to your website, its potential to go viral and its uniqueness when compared to content from your rivals.

Write from your own experience and not from someone else’s

No matter the topic or subject content always reads better when it has been written by somebody who has been there and done that. Offer people advice that has worked for you (much like I am doing now) and don’t try and be someone you’re not. Google’s panda can sniff out fraud and so can the general online population. Always stick to what you know.

Attract Google’s attention by using social signals

Google rewards content that manages to attract attention and create discussion. To take advantage of these social signals it is vital that your work can be shared, commented upon, and rated through a varied range of social networking platforms. The easiest way to do this is to pick one of the many social applications and embed it into your webpages. Your readership will then find it super easy to ‘social up your content if they like it. Let people talk about your content.

If you follow the tips and ideas above you’ll soon be able to work out whether the content you create is ‘great’ or not. You’ll know this instinctively by the amount of time you’ve put into your work and by the level of originality it gives off.


Understanding the Relationship Between SEO and Content along with its factors, here we also provide an idea of How To Create Content That Engages Your Audience? and also clarifies to you that Why Your Content is Not as SEO Worthy as You Thought?. After reading this article, if you have any queries and confusion then feel free to comment to us,

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