Web developer must have skills

Web development consists of two important parts. They are front end & backend development. It is very important to start from the basics in the right direction and build solid foundations. A web developer must learn front-end development if he/she wants to become a front-end developer and the same goes for backend development. However, if you want to be a full stack developer then you must learn both front and back aspects of Web development. Web developer must have skills are :

Having the right knowledge of skills are essential for every field that you have been working for. However, These things are very strict in the career of web development. Here we will be listing the road map of a web developer to get success. If you have these following skills then it can help you stand out from other candidates who are trying for the same role on the job. Web developer must have skills are:

1. HTML/CSS Skills

Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) and Cascading Style sheets are the most important skills that a web developer must-have. Html is used to provide the content and structure of websites. It is essential basic skills that are needed for Web developer. On the other hand, CSS is used to provide beautiful styles to those markups of the structure of any website. Both of these skills are needed to start your career as a web developer.

2. Javascript

Javascript is currently the most popular programming language all over the world. JS is used to change the behavior of Html elements behavior and client-side language previously. However, JS has grown to its extent that Javascript has its own overall stack. Javascript is used to provide functional logic to Html and CSS. Javascript also has different frameworks such as Nodejs, Express, etc and have a database named MongoDB.

3. CSS and Javascript frameworks

Simply, CSS and JavaScript frameworks are collections of CSS or JS files that automatically provide some of the inbuilt common functionality. A web developer can start with a code file using a framework that has lots of awesome Javascript already in it. Frameworks have their own strengths and weaknesses depending upon how and where we are going to use it. It’s very important to choose the best framework for the type of website you’re building. For example, some JS frameworks are great for building complex user interfaces, while other frameworks are great for building API.

Some of the popular CSS and js frameworks are: Bootstrap, Bulma, Reactjs, Vuejs

4. Git (Version control)

Code versioning or version control enables any developer or group of developers to track and control, but also revise any changes to your programming code. If you make any changes to a small piece of your code then the whole website stops working if there are no version control tools for usage. Git is one of the most popular, open-source, and free version control tools available on the internet. Git enables a team of developers to perform their own work remotely and commit all changes.

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5. Backend and Databases

Some of the fundamentals of back-end web development should be understood by front-end developers too. This is because you’ll be working in collaboration with back-end developers or database developer or might be tasked with performing these all. So you’ll need to know how servers work as well as APIs, SQL, databases, and cybersecurity. Backend development can also be defined as server-side development. Every data and information is stored, manipulated, and retrieved from databases when needed. Nowadays, the Cloud computing system is growing day by day.Some of the popular cloud systems are AWS, Azure.

6. Debugging and Testing

The web developer also must-have information on debugging and testing. It’s very important to know about testing and quality assurance. You must know how to continuously test your webpage for any possible errors and bugs. There might be a bounty bug that could arise in your program, you should also know how to debug it. Testing and quality assurance makes sure that your coding logic is doing what it’s supposed to do. Being able to consistently and effectively test and debug your webpage is very much essential for web developers in 2020. Unit Testing and functional testing are some examples of testing.

If you are seeking a career as a web developer then this article might have helped you to some extent. Please write down your views below in the comment box. 

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