Website SEO Analysis Guide

If we are new on the blogging field then all we need a website SEO analysis guide. Stay with AdSense Article throughout the article, here I will suggest my 5-year experience. As a beginner blogger all, we do lots of mistakes. It’s obvious and I also did such a mistake in my career beginning. Now I have some experience and knowledge which is most helpful to you.

Website SEO Analysis depends on various factors. But here we divide website SEO into two main part on-page SEO, off-page SEO,  which I will describe here.

On-Page Website SEO Analysis

On-Page SEO technique is a way to rank a website by maintaining the quality of the website ( content and code both). On this technique, we make compile our website on google and other webmaster terms and policies to rank on their search engine. In this analysis, we need to observe the following stats.

1. Keyword Analysis

For higher rank in search result keyword analysis is the key factor. If you are planning to create a blog then analyze keyword for your domain. The keyword-rich domain has a higher probability of ranking fast in search engines. And if you already have a blog and want to create content then make keyword research first. Try to find a low competition keyword with decent search and descent CPC. All we know that there are millions of writers who work on the higher search keywords.

As a beginner, we always stick with low competition keyword although it has low search and low CPC. Such keywords have a higher chance of ranking on search in a short period of time. Never use a short keyword, always a select long-tail keyword. The short keyword is already rank by a large website and blog. If we are going to bit directly them then it seems impossible to rank on google.

And recently in the online market, one new concept is introduce named KGR (Keyword Golden Ratio). KGR technique is specially designed for small or new bloggers or developers who want to rank their website overnight. In this technique, we need to calculate KGR, and that keyword which has KGR less the 0.25 is considered as the best keyword.

How KGR (Keyword Golden Ratio) is Calculated?

In the calculation of KGR first, we need to find a total monthly search of targeted keywords. In general, we must consider below 250 monthly search keywords is the best one for use. And another thing is we need to find the total number of all in the title keyword. All in title keyword number is found by a search in google by type Allintitle: Your_keyword.

After finding both we can calculate KGR by the following formula

KGR = All in title keyword/total monthly search volume

If you need a detailed article on keyword research and on the KGR technique then please let us known in the comment section.

 Checklist for keywords on-page website SEO analysis

  1. Must include your keyword on the title
  2. Must include your keyword on the permalink
  3. Include a keyword on the first and last 100 words of your articles
  4. Must include a keyword on heading and sub-heading
  5.  Maintain keyword density 1% – 2%. That means you are able to add 1 or 2 keywords on every 100 words. More the 2% treated as a blackhat or grey hat SEO.

Note: If you are unknown about Blackhat SEO and Greyhat SEO technique and don’t know the difference between them. Then feel free to comment us, we will create one dedicated article on it.

2. Meta Tag on Website seo Analysis

Meta title, meta description and is also most important when we are talking on website ranking. This information is used by search engine to rank website in related search. so Make your meta tag always sepecific. If you use multiple tag then search engine face trouble to rank your site on which topics. which gives adverse effect on website ranking.

Meta Title Tag

Meta title tag is your site name or site title for main domain. And page title or post title for for post/page. If you include keywords on meta title then it has higher chance of ranking on search. Best meta title tag is around 30-65 characters.

Meta Description Tag

This is the description of you website or page. Google crawler always read this data to catagories information and show your site on related search. Best meta description tag is around 120-320 characters.

Besides these following points are also consider in On-Page website SEO Analysis.

  1. Keyword on images ALT text, on Images caption
  2. Inbound link ( internal linking): use your own website/pages/posts link if necessery.
  3. outbound link ( External linking): use suggested page/website url other then yours if necessery.
  4. Write short and sweet sentences
  5. Use proper heading and subheading for each 250 words.

Off-Page Website SEO Analysis

Major off-Page website seo analysis  factor is link building. Sometime people talks about linkbuilding and backlinking only when they need to talk about off-page seo. Before knowing this technique we need to know what is linkbuilding.

Let’s learn by comparing linkbuilding with real life example, In city A two general store is located one name A1 and another is A2. A1 has 100’s of customer per day but A2 have only 1 or 2. Both have same products and both are in center market. Now the traffic is determine by relation building. Shop A1 has good relation with their customer, A1 customer’s trust him and suggest him around their group.

Link building is also exactly same thing. If you have good relation with your reader, If you able to fullfill what reader’s need. Then reader trust you and promote/share your link in different platform like social media, their own blog and others.

Linkbuilding itself a large topics, some linkbuilding technique is listed below

  1. Link building by guest posting
  2. Link building by blog commenting
  3. Paid article submission Link building
  4. Link building by web 2.0 blog
  5.  Link building by PBN (Private blog network) (little risky way)

If you need detailed articles on linkbuilding or on any other topics then please let us know on comment section below. And if you love this Website SEO Analysis Guide, then please comment . your comment is our motivation.

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