WordPress.org vs WordPress.com

There are two options for wordpress for users and they are WordPress.org and WordPress.com. Both of these are content management systems (CMS) and can build wordpress websites easily. They both have different features and offer different services to users. WordPress is one of the world’s commonly useable website builders. It is very much popular because it is free and open-source. It also supports modification and can be shared by any user throughout the world’s WordPress community. You might be wondering about WordPress.org vs WordPress.com

You can get the WordPress package from WordPress.org directly, or also you can download WordPress as part of a hosting package from every web hosting provider. WordPress.com is a free service whereas WordPress.org is a self-hosted service. Here, in this article, we will be covering everything about the comparison of WordPress.com and WordPress.org. We will provide WordPress.org vs WordPress.com to help you choose the perfect platform for starting your career.


WordPress.org is a real WordPress. It is a popular website building platform. It is open-source and free to use. You need a domain and hosting plan to get started with WordPress.org. This tool is the home of the overall WordPress software files, a collection of templates in the PHP programming language that is customizable by users. There are several customizable templates, plugins in WordPress.org that help in adding new functionalities to the website. WordPress is beginner-friendly as well as experts can also use this platform to create beautiful websites.

Any users of WordPress.org can work directly with its files and stylesheet for precise customization. As this platform is a self-hosting version, the website developer or owner is directly responsible for maintaining the site. They can customize the website as per their wish.  Website owners can also add different plugins and elements to create beautiful as well as interactive websites.

Some of the benefits of WordPress.org are:

  • You can also make money using this platform by running ads.
  • Different powerful analytics tools are available as plugins
  • Various large scale websites like e-commerce can also be made with this tool

Some of the disadvantages are:

  • You need the various paid version of web hosting plans to host your website.
  • Frequently occurring useless updates
  • No automatic backup of Website overall content and data
  • Only limited disk space available

Most people or developers around the world are found to be using WordPress.org for its fancy features and great usability.


WordPress.com is another platform of WordPress that is built for hosting WordPress driven sites. Any users don’t have to download or install WordPress from any sites. It is a part of the hosting services that WordPress.com provides. This tool is the hosted platform that runs on the very popular WordPress software. It provides overall needy tools for the WordPress website. This platform is getting very popular day by day due to its ease of use and scalability. Users don’t need any coding expertise or technical knowledge to build websites.

For using this platform, users or developers have to simply signup for a free account. then users have to choose any theme for the website and customize it if needed. Any additional plugins are available with this tool for adding more features. Due to these features, WordPress.com has become the number one choice for students, bloggers, developers around the world.

Several benefits of WordPress.com are:

  • It provides free space up to 3GB
  • There is no problem with updates and backups
  • Free templates and plugins are available
  • SSL and other security layers are available for data security purposes.
  • Reliable hosting services

There are several cons to WordPress.com and they are:

  • Different ads can generate automatically on your website without any payments from those ads.
  • Users cannot monetize their websites using this platform
  • Plugins or any customization cannot be upload by yourself
  • You cannot install or use any analytics tool
  • WordPress.com doesn’t offer any payment integration offer within your e-commerce websites

With the help of this article, you can choose any of these platforms for blogging or creating websites. These platforms have their own features and usability. We hope that you will choose the best platform for your career after reading WordPress.org vs WordPress.com.

Thank you very much for reading this article. Regards

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