Dofollow vs Nofollow backlinks | learn A to Z

Before describing Do follow and Nofollow backlink, first of all, we need to understand what are backlinks? Which backlinks are important? Stay with us through the article to learn A to Z about Dofollow vs Nofollow backlinks and to get the answer to your other related questions.

You are here to learn about linkbuilding means you are a blogger/web developer, then you must need the knowledge of SEO.

What are backlinks?

Backlinks are simply the links only, which link one website to another. It is a website connection,  just like a real-world connection with people to people. In the real world, there are two types of connection, closed and far. Just similar to the real world in the internet world also has a type of connection/ link, one is Do follow and another is Nofollow.

Why backlink needed?

As all, we know that friends, family, and relatives are needed for happy living. Without connection, there is no worth in life. Similarly, without links and backlinks, there is not worth in the internet world. A website having zero or little links counted as a low-quality website by google algorithm. So if you want to rank on google search and all other search engines you must build a link to create worth of your website.

Are backlinks necessary for rank in search results?

This is the most confusing factor for new bloggers. Actually the answer is yes. Yes, you listen right. Then why backlinks are needed? This question is obviously arrives in your mind after reading this answer. If you choose a unique niche then Backlinks are not necessary to rank on google search. For new and unique niche there is no search competition. But If you choose a highly competitive niche like “health” then it is impossible to rank on google without backlinks. Because in a highly competitive niche, millions of publishers are working. So google must check each and every site in its algorithms to show in the search results in an order. At that time search algorithm consider various factors, one of the most important factor is ” Backlinks”.

How does backlink work?

All we know how our family, friends, and connections work on a different part of our life. Similarly, the backlinks work on digitals worlds.  As I already told that backlink is simply the link to another website. This link shows the relation between these two websites. If someone clicks on the link on one website and land to another website then the landed website gets benefits from the primary website. One benefit is obviously traffic. After the one major benefit is link juice. If you need details information about link juice then please let us know. Link juice from high quality and authority website helps to increase domain authority/domain rating, page authority/page rating, trust flow, and many more factors. If you need detailed articles on search ranking factors then feel free to comment on us in the comment section below.

How to get backlinks?

After knowing why backlink needed? and how does backlink works? Now its time to know how to get backlinks? and How to create backlinks? How to get Dofollow vs Nofollow backlinks Both  and how to create backlinks are similar. Getting backlinks means to get referral links from other publishers and creating backlinks means ping publisher, or do guest posting to create backlink for own website. There is various way to get backlinks, some of them are guest posting, Public blog network (PBN), blog commenting, profile creating backlinks, and you can buy backlinks from some trusted backlink seller sites. If you need dedicated articles on How to get backlinks? then please comment below.

Types of backlinks

After knowing some basic ideas about backlinks, now it’s time to learn about types of backlinks. There are two types of backlinks.

  1. DoFollow Backlinks
  2. NoFollow Backlinks

Dofollow backlinks pass link juice but Nofollow links not. Although both links are good for off-page SEO. Both links needed in a ratio of 40:60. This is not the exact data but the link ratio of 40:60 ratio of Nofollow to Dofollow is considered as standard although some say 50:50 some say 30:70. Only making a Dofollow link is counted as a spammy link, While making a backlink we must keep this point in your mind. Although the Nofollow link does not pass link juice, we need to create both Dofollow and Nofollow in standard ratio to avoid the risk of counted as a spammy link.

1. Dofollow backlinks

What are Dofollow backlinks?

Dofollow backlinks are those link which passes all link juice to referring website. It is responsible for getting ranked in google and also responsible for spam that it gets from the referring domain as a link juice. So Dofollow backlinks are good as well as bad to your website, it depends on how we use it.

How Dofollow backlink works?

Dofollow backlinks are work as a special link that passes all link juice to the referring domain. It helps to increase domain authority of your domain if the referred domain has high authority and it may pass spam if the referred domain is spammy. This is the way how dofollow backlinks work.

How to get Dofollow backlinks? / How to create Dofollow backlinks?

After knowing how dofollow backlinks works?  You must need to know how to create dofollow backlinks? If you are going to build Dofollow backlinks without proper knowledge of it, then you definitely increase your website spam score. Once your website is counted as a spammy website by google algorithm then it is difficult to rank on google. There are various ways to build links that I discuss in our previous section like guest posting, blog 2.0 profile, commenting backlink, etc. Before going to create backlinks by any of the methods above you must check domain standing first. Like, check domain score, domain rating, domain authority, domain spammy activity, and many others. If you find everything fine then only create a do-follow backlink otherwise go with no follow link. If you follow this procedure to build a link then it will definitely beneficial to your website standing in the future.

Also Read: Quality Backlinks vs Quantity of Backlinks

2. Nofollow backlinks

What are no-follow backlinks?

Nofollow backlinks are those link which did not pass link juice to referring website. It is less responsible for getting ranked in google and also never gives spam to referring domain although the referred domain has the high spammy issue. So Nofollow backlinks are always good but less effectively help in search ranking.

How nofollow backlink works?

Nofollow backlinks are nothing but only a simple link to a domain that never passes any kind of link juice to the referring domain. It shows the link of our website to others but never inherits the spam and authority to the referring domain. But If we create a link on a related website it definitely gives traffic to Your website.

How to get nofollow backlinks? / How to create nofollow backlinks?

Creating no follow backlinks is easily processed. It has Nofollow tag along with a link as shown in below:

dofollow vs nofollow backlink
Source: Wikimedia

As shown in the image Nofollow backlink has rel=”nofollow” tag and Dofollow has no such tag. This is the creating or building idea of Dofollow vs Nofollow backlinks. Before creating the Nofollow backlink there is no need to consider the site standing but keep in mind that the Nofollow backlink is also somehow important for website standing without passing link juice.

Conclusion of Dofollow vs Nofollow backlinks:

Here in this article, we are trying to explain the A to Z about Dofollow vs Nofollow backlinks. If you have any confusion about anything above or have furthermore question then please let us know in the comment section.

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