SEO For Beginners – Step By Step SEO Guide 2021

Here I am going to make SEO For Beginners guide according to my experiences. By Step By Step SEO Guide 2021, you will able to rank your website in search results.

Step By Step SEO Guide 2021

How to start with the SEO of your website?

As doing SEO for Beginners, First of all why I am making this step-by-step SEO Guide? It’s all Because my website had over a thousand users a day that means 30,000 unique people come onto my website every single month from Google.
So actually kind of know, what I’m doing? When it comes to SEO in the first thing you should know when it comes to SEO is that you do not need to pay someone to do your SEO. You do not need to buy a course for your SEO.

So, what is the best way to learn about SEO?

One of the best ways is to actually follow our articles for free SEO tips, social media growth tips, and business tips in general. But the best teacher that any business has is its competition. From your competitors, you can learn about prices, marketing tactics, page layout, and any other kind of works. If you see someone that ranks first in Google. You can check this website to check how good it looks on mobile responsive. You can learn how many blog posts they have, how many words they have. And that’s the purpose of this article to teach you.

How to do the SEO on your website?

The basic principles you should know from start to finish is described here. To know the whole process of how to do SEO on your website we will go over four main subjects. Which listed below
  1. Keyword research
  2. On-page optimization
  3. Backlinks/off-page optimization
But first of all, What is SEO on your website?
Actually important well while talking about SEO on your website you need to know on-page optimization, you bring the research, doing the blog post, and building back the backlinks. Then only you get output or some results shortly. The longer future depending on your niche, the keywords you’re targeting and people keep on. Especially if the content you write on your website is evergreen, people always come and read your content.
It will keep rank. You can keep bringing in new traffic.
When it comes to SEO and after you’ve done that. You should know that when it comes to your SEO it is super important. If you are doing practice some of these tips then ok. And If not then don’t worry, you will learn today and implement it.

Keyword research

well, let’s look into this SEO guide. First and foremost, you need to do some keyword research. If you don’t know how to do keyword research then don’t worry, we will guide you here. You can find multiple keyword research tools, some of them free and some are paid. I guide you in general, you can choose any tools at your convenience. I am using ubersuggest for keyword research. Before doing keyword research keep in mind that, almost all websites that are ranking on the first page for high search volume are actually older domains or domains with higher authority.
Wants to rank your domain initially, I mean if you just register your website and chances of going to rank instantly for very high volume keywords is impossible.  which are very reasonable too because there are millions of people try to rank on a high volume keyword on Google.  If you want to rank, you must be tricky but in the right way. I do not suggest blackhat SEO. If you move with blackhat SEO there are a lot of issues you may face in the future.

Keyword research by google search

So let’s go with our genuine tips. when doing your keyword research you must concentrate on lower competition
keywords. let me show you how I did a google search for furniture.
SEO For Beginners google search
SEO For Beginners | google search result
This is just a random website account and amusing. The First 3 result is by paid promotion ad.  Ashley is ranking for home furniture on the first page for my country. When they put it on ubersuggest to analyze, it instantly shows a good domain score. Good domain authority has a versatile amount of organic keywords they’re ranking. And if you convert the furniture keyword into long-tail like home furniture then the exact search volume is lower than furniture and the keyword difficultly is also lower to rank.
When you analyze each google result, you found a high authority website is ranked higher in google search. As a beginner it is difficult to bit high authority websites, so we must be focused on low difficult keywords with a low competition niche.

On-Page SEO Optimization

The next step after doing keyword research is On-page SEO optimization. On-page optimization means building your website with the right keywords with proper selection and placement along with appropriate inbound and outbound links. Inbound links mean that your webpages having links on the keywords or any anchor text to the certain pages of your website.

For example, your main page has the keyword home furniture, If you have an individual page on home furniture for kids, home furniture for kitchen, then you can link these pages to your home page. The link on the home page is called internal links or inbound links which gives better performance on google search.

Keyword placement plays a vital role in on-page SEO optimization, For more about keyword placement guide: Keyword Placement guide For New Blog

Backlinks/Off-Page SEO Optimization

After maintaining your website on-page SEO, you will need to focus on off-page optimization. Off-page SEO optimization also refers to backlinks or link building. You need to build links for your web pages. There are especially two types of links by their nature, one is a do-follow link and another is no-follow. Do-follow has the capacity to transfer link juice to the referring domain and no-follow hasn’t such feature.

Read more: Do-follow and no-follow backlinks

Besides do-follow and no-follow links, we can categories backlinks into 15 more categories like editorial links, PBN links, commenting links, guest posting links, etc. Read details about these types by clicking here: Types of backlinks  you need to build

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