Types of Backlinks You Need to Build

As we previously discussed in our last articles that there are multiple sources to get backlinks. You must be tricky to choose some good methods. If you are a blogger/website developer for a long time then you might know some methods but if you are new in this field then you must read this article on types of backlinks carefully.

Generally, when we talk about types of backlinks, every person’s mind strike with Dofollow and Nofollow backlinks. But here we are not discussing Dofollow and Nofollow backlinks because we already discussed it and if you miss that articles then you can read by clicking here:  Dofollow vs Nofollow backlinks

Here we discuss the other types of backlinks like editorials, guest blogging, profile backlinks, and others with this effectiveness for search engine ranking. There are numbers of backlink types but here we discuss some important types as follow:

15 Types of Backlinks You Need to Build

1. Link from Guest post

Guest posting means writing or posting articles on other websites and the link from a guest post is known as guest posting backlinks. All we know about Guest posting, this is the best and most used types of backlinks. In the internet market, there are thousands of guests posting websites like medium, HubSpot, business insider, etc from which we can get backlink by simply posting articles after creating a profile or author profile.

But most of them prefer unique and quality content, so must read the terms and conditions of such a website before posting your articles. Besides that, we can also make guest posts on other blogs/websites by inquiring about their business email. Most of the websites reply to a positive response to the inquiry because they also need unique and quality content for their blog.

Stay with us, we are updated guest post accepting website URL soon on our blog (AdSense Article).

2. Social Bookmarking links

Social bookmarking websites are those sites where we can share our web content like articles, web pages, videos, images, and blog posts.  Some of the social bookmarking sites are twitter, Pinterest, Reddit, scoop.it etc. Such a website provides exposer for new bloggers/developers. Initially every blogger or developer face low or no traffic issue, they can be drawn traffic such social bookmarking websites. Getting links from social bookmarking websites is the super easiest and fast indexing method. It is the most effective marketing strategy for affiliate content creators.

Stay with us, we are updated the social bookmarking website URL  with how to post on it? soon on our blog (AdSense Article).

3. Blog commenting links

Almost all website has a comment section to share user experience and get notified for content quality by visitor. Good comment add value to web content. And commenter gets a chance to give their point of view.  Blog commenting links are the link given by commenters in the comment section along with their comment. This is also a traditional way to get a backlink and the most commonly used types of backlinks. As we know many users try this way to get backlinks and the result is not so impressive. This is because of a comment on a post that is not related to the link provided in the comment. Nowadays googlee ranks website with contextual backlinks only.

Stay with us, we are updated the blog commenting website URL with how to get backlinks from it soon on our blog (AdSense Article).

4. Link Exchanging

As per its name suggest, link exchanging is just exchanging link for their mutual understanding and decision. This method exists on the internet from starting. It is a good way to get links, it is also called the link for link method. But sometimes it may harm your website too. All it depends on how to use this technique.

Stay with us, we are updated link exchanging methods it’s pro and cons soon on our blog (AdSense Article).

5. Sponsor link as an advertisement

It is the paid method to get backlinks. These types of backlinks are a little costly but sure effective in SEO and raking. If you pay someone to place an advertisement on their webpage as a link text or banner then this method is called sponsor link as an advertisement. So, before approaching any site for a sponsored link, please do research on that website and analyze either it is a good or bad decision to approach that particular website. After all, we are paying for good results, so make sure that your investment gives a return to you as a quality link with good traffic.

Stay with us, we are writing dedicated articles on the sponsor link, how to get it, and it benefits soon on our blog (AdSense Article).

6. Directory links/ Article Directory links

Directory links or directory submission is one of the best SEO strategies for a business website as well as individual blogs. First, you need to find the best-suited directory for your website and submit your website there. Which gives backlinks to your site. If you submit your site in a good standing directory submission website then it will return you backlink with quality traffic. But nowadays article directory links cause issues due to google new duplicate free content policy with link penalties technique. So the webpage submission directory is more effective than article submission directory links.

Stay with us, we are writing dedicated articles on the directory links and article directory links, how to get it, and it benefits soon on our blog (AdSense Article).

7. Website footer links

All we know about website footer links. Each developer or theme provider placed their links on the footer credit section. Which gives the information about the website creator and drives the customer to their main business page. And you can create your own link list in the website footer for redirection of the reader to your own other related pages or post, this is also called internal linking. Either internal or external linking both are beneficial to you.

If you want to know all about website footer links then feel free to comment on us. And stay with us for a detail explanation of website footer links, we will updates it on our homepage of AdSense Article.

8. 301 redirect links

301/302 redirect is a good way to redirect traffic on site A to site B with 90% to 99% link equity or ranking power to page B. 301 is one of the status code which gives the browser the direction of permanently moving some specific URL to a new URL. 302 refer temporary move, 200 links ok status code, and 404 pages not found status code.

We will cover all these status codes with their necessities and benefits, stay with AdSense Article for these updates.

9. Testimonial and review links

Almost all business websites and personal profile websites have testimonials and review section. As an owner, we can easily put our required links on this section and redirects traffic to the desired site and a reviewer can deal with the owner to enhance good review with the link. It all depends on your hand on how to use this section.

10. Editorial links

Non paid, non asked, non traded links are generally considered as editorial links. The good standing website automatically gets editorial links but you can request editorial links from some website by paying it, but in this case, content on which like is given must be related content to your website.

11. Profile creation link building

Profile creation link building is provided by various sites like amazon, blogger, WordPress, quora, etc on which you will create a profile and add your details. You can put your link on your bio/about us section of these sites or you can find your website URL section to fill it. This is the easiest way to get links but most of these website gives a no-follow link.

For more about profile creation link building please stay with AdSense Article.

12. Author bio links

There are various multiple-author websites which easily accept new author, in such website you can create your author profile and give links to your own page. Link building by these methods is author bio links.

13. Forum commenting links

Just link blog commenting, forum commenting is also one of the traditional ways to get links. If you have how to the website or specific webpage related to some forums like amazon community, Microsoft communities, etc.; then you can answer or discuss the forum with your website link and get backlinks with traffic.

For example, you are a seller or buyer on Fiverr then you can ask questions or answer a question on the Fiverr support community. And if you have a website that has Fiverr related niche then it is the best way to get links and traffic for your website.

14. Backlink from social media

Social media is rapidly growing and get popular in the last some years, millions of users use it. So, to get exposure to your website, social media sharing is one of the best options. In this case, you get links from social media. And in social media, when you creating a profile, you have the option to link your website or you can mention your website on the bio/about us section, which gives you link and traffic.

15.Private blog network (PBN) backlinks

Most of us know about Private blog network links; This method of link building is most famous in it’s staring but nowadays google strictly check to maintain their policies, so PBN sometime may harm your website. In PBN methods, a person creates networks of private blogs and gives a link to the specific or desired websites.

Is the PBN technique still work? How to get backlinks to form PBN? all these questions are discussed in dedicated articles on PBN soon, till then read our other articles and stay with AdSense Article.

Final Word:

Here we listed only 15 Types of Backlinks You Need to Build to rank your website on google. This is the best off-page SEO technique. If you have any queries or further confusion, please let us known in the comment section.

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